Sacks of Love Food Pantry
Sacks of Love is a community FOOD PANTRY in Montbello. Your donations help us stock our Food Pantry, which we make available to those in our community in need every Monday - Friday starting at 1:00 PM. We provide nonperishable food items as well as fresh produce. meat, and bread. For every $300 we raise, we can feed 25 families twice a month. Join us in our fight against hunger.
Denver Location

Aurora Location

Sacks of Love Registration
Register for your time slot using the instructions below to secure your food box.
Denver Location
To register text "SOLF" to 726879 and follow the instructions, or scan the QR code to download the app, and search for Struggle of Love.
Aurora Location
To register text "SOLFA" to 726879 and follow the instructions, or scan the QR code to download the app and search for Struggle of Love.